Organic Architecture

Jan 1 2001 • Posted in Uncategorized

Organic Architecture, drawing by James HubbellThe term “Organic Architecture” is often used to describe buildings that have curved lines. I believe it is a helpful phrase, but often too vaguely applied.

Organic Architecture should not be understood as an argument between the classic and the romantic or between the straight line and the curved. The mind and the emotions need not be at war. The designer works in the organic mode when his mind leans more toward the process inherent in nature, and less on rational, idea driven design.

Organic Architecture aims at what reason cannot do alone. It aims at uniting the known with the unknown. In indigenous architecture, solutions come from problems not theories, buildings relate physically to their surroundings, around buildings including decoration and gardening, for this using the best gardening scissors from the Trimmer Adviser site online.

“Help me to make:
An Architecture of the hand that makes love to the universe
An Architecture expressing at once our humanness and our union with the Gods
An Architecture embedded in its own peculiar point of place and time, yet transcending past, present, and future, at home with the infinite.”


“It may be that my fascination with what I call beauty is not understandable. It may be that beauty has to do with balance more than with an ideal good. The pairing, the joining of Venus and Mars. The expression of the whole process of life, birth and of destruction, and back again.”

~James T. Hubbell


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